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  1. Clefairy's Visitor Center

    1. If you need help, have a suggestion or would like to add a comment about the forum, post it here!

      • 6 posts
  2. Pokémon Discussions

    1. The latest news from PokéJungle covering Pokémon games, merchandise, events and franchise updates.

      • 23 posts
    2. For discussions related to any console or mobile Pokémon games.

      • 21 posts
    3. For discussing and sharing Pokémon goods.

    4. For discussions related to Pokémon music, animation or other multimedia.

      • 1 post
    5. For art, music, websites and other Pokémon-related creations you'd like to share.

      • 10 posts
    6. For any Pokémon or franchise discussions that don't fit in other categories.

      • 4 posts
  3. Other Discussions

    1. Discussions related to any non-Pokémon video games or gaming devices.

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