Climb the ranks of the Z-A Royale in Pokémon Legends: Z-A
I like that you can ambush random trainers 😂 Looks fun
Hi there!
welcome to the community! :) Pokemon white is a good one to pick up, post your team at some point.
They upgraded chatgpt again: editing pics with it
I put this on Discord to but today they upgraded chatgpt and it's really good at making these images. I am having too much fun! Go try it out. The novelty wears off pretty quicky though and I am back to hating ai. ChatGPT Model 4o Upload your image Click the 3 dots -> create image Type your prompt :)
I don't like Scalpers
I really hate investor bros and Scalpers. I am usually not a negative person, but seeing people who don't even like pokemon destroy it angers me. A few years ago when we went through this in 2021 I went to the card section at Target and a man was holding a lot of theme decks, rebel clash (stuff most people would consider undesirable. I dunno a better way to phrase it). He goes "Man, you've got to buy this stuff! It's worth so much." As he struggled to hold it. I smiled, but couldn't help but think how stupid this guy was. And how it was people like him ruining the hobby for everyone. That's all they see is dollar signs. There wasn't too much actually left so I didn't end up buying anything. But throughout the course of 2021 I kept seeing the same thing: people who don't actually know anything about pokemon buying cards because everyone else wanted it and they thought they could make a dollar. I understand I am beating a dead horse. . .I know we all hate scalpers, but I really hate scalpers. I can only hope Pokemon Company prints these sets into the ground. I don't even get excited when sets are announced because it's a reminder that guys like that one in Target are gonna ruin it for everyone. I also cringe in YouTube videos when the dollar signs appear. Uhhhh I am done rambling for now. Big shoutout to PJ who has helped me get a specific card in the past that I couldn't get due to scalpers. We all have to band together and help each other out!
Technology or trends you miss
I miss my phone with the pull out keyboard!! They should make it to where you can use two phones on one number because I'd totally rock an old phone too. I had a Samsung intensity (not sure which model) and I could type so fast on that thing. I hope "retro" becomes cool soon because i'd love a smart phone with a pull out keyboard. You and I have the same misses :)
A Nintendo Direct has been announced for March 27
I can't wait! Wonder what we'll get! :) Maybe they have a few surprises left for us
Watercolour Illustrations
These are sooooo cute omg
Scopely buys Pokémon GO and other Niantic titles
If they monetize the game even but provide equal value it is fine. But I highly doubt they'll do that and value is subjective. 2018-2020 were golden years for GO for me. I wish I could return to them.
Welcome to the (re-) opening of Mt. Moon Community: A Pokémon forum for fans!
When is the hard launch? :o
Introductions by Johto Times
Hi!!! welcome! As I tell you all the time I LOVE your newsletter!!!
Johtoan Greninja
He's so cool!!!!! I also like that he looks a bit retro in his design. I would catch him and add him to my team. :)
Pokémon TCG Pocket Pulls
oh wow congrats!!!!! That is so lucky!
Mt. Moon Suggestion Thread
Another thing, can we start a thread for adding each other on gaming devices like Xbox and Switch? or should I just do it myself?
Scopely buys Pokémon GO and other Niantic titles
I think pokemon Go was already going down hill, but now I think it is going to get worse. Like Tatsuscarda mentioned, Monopoly go is a nightmare. I hate being negative, but I don't have a lot of hope. :(
Mt. Moon Suggestion Thread
I like the idea of the Discord & Forums working closely together. Is there a way for a bot to notify the discord when someone creates a new topic? There could be a specific channel for it. No worries if this is a bad idea. I think it'll be cool for people to understand this isn't replacing the discord, but working with it.